New Storage System for Lithium-Ion Battery

Keith Kohl

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted October 6, 2015

It’s official: the company Electrovaya has been chosen to rework New York Governor Cuomo’s Reforming the Energy Vision strategy.

This company is going to design and sell a 500 kilowatt lithium-ion battery energy storage system. This new system is going to be used by the power company Con Edison as power grid support and replacement.

You see, Con Edison has new energy requirements, and this new energy storage system will be used in place of mobile diesel options. These diesel systems are deemed as easily dispatch-able, and good for temporary needs.

This new system will store 500 kilowatts of electricity, and provide 800 kilowatt-hours of energy to the grid. It’s meant to be used for increased grid efficiency and resiliency during power outages.

Electrovaya calls their creation a “Transportable Energy Storage System”. Con Edison believes that it has enormous potential, and that it will improve service to their customers.

Con ed power plant nyc

This type of thing sounds like it will gain traction, and possibly see widespread use if its New York implementation is successful; power grids are often subjects of reform options.

This could also be the way we’ll begin to see outdated power grid systems replaced in the near future.

In the past, Con Ed. Has been the subject of criticism for its ancient power grids and processes.

So you can bet that a move like this could lift the veil of mystery and darkness from this prolific company, and people can be confident that their energy is coming from a nice and clean source.

Lithium-Ion is looking more and more like present instead of future, and it’s a nice feeling.


To continue reading….

Click here to read the Clean Technica article.

Until next time,

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Keith Kohl

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